Wednesday, September 25, 2019

We’re in a new age of government where variety in ethnicity and gender is accepted and encouraged. In “Celebrate the diverse 2020 Democratic candidates and don't fret about 'electability'”, an article in USA Today, the current diversity of the upcoming presidential nominees is evaluated. Jill Lawrence begins by advising voters not to judge the candidates based on their looks, but rather their stances. The article puts the democratic nominees in a personal perspective by not holding back when questioning their flaws. However, Lawrence doesn’t ease up there, as she continues to carefully examine the republican candidate as well. Without hesitation, the article takes a turn to discuss the current president and the standard that he has set for future presidents. While the author tends to present strong opinions towards many specific candidates, there is not one specific audience that this article was written for. Lawrence maintains a relatively unbiased representation of the nominees on both the democratic and republican side.

Link to the article:

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